1 in 3 of us will get cancer in our lifetime. It could be you; it could be someone you love. Help them by donating this Daffodil Day.

1 in 3 of us will get cancer in our lifetime. It could be you; it could be someone you love. Help them by donating this Daffodil Day.
1 in 3 of us will get cancer in our lifetime. It could be you; it could be someone you love. Help them by donating this Daffodil Day.

Your impact over the last year

10,937 Peoplehave benefitted from our Supportive Care Team
$5,200,000 Dollarsis directed to breakthrough life-saving cancer research each year
1,008,901 Kilometrescovered taking patients to their treatment
52,892 Nightsstayed at Cancer Society accommodation
4,203support sessions have been attended
6,395 Callsreceived to the 0800 CANCER information helpline.

The 1 in 3 was me

Last year, 29-year-old, Ella was about to move overseas and begin an OE of a lifetime, when she discovered a suspicious lump in her breast that changed everything. She received the devastating diagnosis - breast cancer.

“I had days where I could barely get out of bed. I went from having long hair to being completely bald. I think for a women, in particular that’s really difficult.”

The treatment and travel to and from the hospital took an immense toll on Ella. Then she was able to stay at a Cancer Society lodge.

When you donate to the Cancer Society, you’re ensuring cancer patients like Ella have a safe, comfortable place to stay while receiving their treatment. You're also ensuring cancer patients can access free nursing support, counselling, transport to treatment, and more.